View Profile stormoftara

54 Movie Reviews

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Ahahaha nice...

I don't want to ruin it for anyone that hasn't seen it yet, but I totally did that once. I was like EMO FLASH RAWR! Somehow it did make me feel better in the end though.

A good concept

And it could've possibly been even more funny! The main problem was that the art took away from the overall flash. You couldn't really tell who was who. Next time try to make the characters look more like who they are supposed to be and try using a little fbf instead of just tweens. Then you'll have a much better flash on your hands.

neoalien12 responds:

Thanks for a positive response with something that can actually help me improve instead of just saying "OMG UR FLASH SUCKS YOU SUCK GO DIE!". Thanks. I'll keep that in mind and the tweens were only to save time really, lol.. But I guess if you want something to look really nice you'll have to take your time more anyways.

So sweet!

Your girlfriend must've loved this. The animation was very beautiful, I loved all the backgrounds.

That was pretty funny!


Nice joke. The animation looked really nice too. Keep up the great work!

BMack24 responds:

hey thanks. i will try.


Amazing. The music itself is just awesome. Then the ending made me laugh for 5 minutes. You are a master of lulz. This is just an epic win. Thank you.

So funny

Seriously, I laughed so hard at this. For like 5 mins. I hope to see you at Comic Con. Not that I'd recognize you or anything...

I can't stop watching this...

In some strange way it reminds me of myself. I enjoy your animation style. I hope to see more from you in the future. And just to let you know, you've inspired me a bit. Now I finally feel like animating again. Ahahaha...

It dragged on...

The part with the clouds in the beginning was way too long. I didn't think it would ever end. Trailers need to be short, give you a good plot summary and make you want to watch the movie. Once it started into the action it was really good. Really good FBF stuff. I know you were probably just trying to sync it up with music, but please shorten the part with the clouds.

AdamTilford responds:

Lol, I'm doing that now!


Tara @stormoftara

Age 38, Female

Taco Bell

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