K this is the worst, most crazy week ever.
First of all, my boyfriend is broke up with me. He said we could be friends, but we'll see how that works out. We first started dating in 2006, so this is a major event in my life. I'm really upset about it.
My brother is in jail. He did some bad things, and he'll probably stay in jail for like 20 years. As his older sister, and for a long time his only mother figure, I feel like I have failed him. Of course I didn't have anything to do with what he did, but still. I AM FAILURE. I miss him already.
I got in a car accident. There was a lot of ice, and I was driving one of my employees home after we had gone to another store to help out, and we ended up being the only ones there when the only employee from that store got sent home for harassing my employee. In any case my car spun out and ended up in a snow bank. We are ok, and so is my car, so it wasn't all that bad. Just really scary.
So that is my week so far. Two days left in the week. WHAT ELSE CAN GO WRONG? {THE STEELERS WILL LOSE THE SUPER BOWL!?!?!?!}
Pic unrelated. I drew it. I call it "Wicked Winter"